Kelley Kim
2020 21S/S SEOUL FASHION WEEK_OFF SHOW / ADM Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2019 The Korean Society of Knit Design Exhibition Seoul, Korea
2019 19FW ONTIME Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2018 19SS ONTIME Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2018 18FW CHIC Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2017 Le Dome K-Fashion Brand Showcase Fashion show Seoul, Korea
2017 18SS CHIC Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2017 17FW ONTIME Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2016 17SS CHIC Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2016 Fashion SZ Show Exhibition Shenzhen, China
2016 16FW ONTIME Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2016 16FW CHIC Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2015 16SS Seoul Fashion Week CROCHE x LECOME
2015 16SS CHIC Fashion Trade Show Shanghai, China
2015 Wardrobe K_Hong Kong Buyer & Press meeting
2014 Le Dome K-Fashion Designer Brand
2014 15S/S SEOUL FASHION WEEK – Presentation Exhibition show
2013 14S/S SEOUL FASHION WEEK – Presentation Fashion show
2013 Asia Creative Fashion conference – Shanghai, China
2013 13F/W SEOUL FASHION WEEK - Fashion Fair
2013 SFCS Seoul Fashion Creative Studio
2012 C R O C H E knit & textile -Brand renewal
2011 ERDEM London - Product developer
2010 Erin O’Connor Fashion exhibition - Covent Garden, London
2010 Wimbledon Fashion Week London
2010 Oxford Fashion Week - The Conceptual Show: Oxford U.K
2010 The Berkeley Dress Show - The Hurlingham Club, London
2010 MA Fashion and Technology_Digital Fashion : University of the Arts London: London College of the Fashion
2008 BA Fashion and Technology_Womens wear : University of the Arts London: London College of the Fashion
Kelley mikyoung Kim / Fashion & Textile Designer
The designer had Art Diploma fashion illustration and fashion marketing at Lasell College, Boston, U.S.A she graduated Bachelor of Arts Fashion Design Technology Women’s wear at London College of Fashion on graduating 1st and she has a brilliant record about Master of the Arts degree Digital Fashion at the University.
She works various fashion field at London after her study. She works at ERDEM and Maria Grachvogel as a Product Developer and Assistant Designer.
MIKYOUNGKIM, The label, was launched in 2010. It began almost immediately upon Kelley’s graduation MA from London College of Fashion, capitalizing on the success of her MA collection that had already garnered Oxford Fashion week, Wimbledon Fashion week and Berkley Dress show.
Developing hers highly creative and playful signatures of constant innovation, rebellious femininity and extraordinary skill, her clothes continue to surprise and seduce with their ineffable sense of texture.
In 2012, she back to Korea and renewal her brand and new open CROCHE.
CROCHE selling world widely such as Korea, China, Japan and London specially knit wear and textile accessory.
Currently, she is one of Seoul Fashion Week designer and professor of fashion design department at Suwon University in Korea.
미국 Lasell College및 영국 London college of Fashion: University of the arts London BA/MA 패션디자인(여성복) 학사 및 디지털패션 석사 졸업.
ERDEM, Maria Grachvogel 등 London Fashion Week컬렉션 브랜드에서 디자인, 상품계발, 컬렉션 메이킹 등 10여 년 동안의 패션필드 경력 이후 ‘MIKYOUNGKIM’ 런칭, Oxford Fashion week, Wimbledon Fashion week, Berkley Dress show참가.
2012년 한국 귀국후 서울패션창작스튜디오 입주’CROCHE knit & textile accessory’로 브랜드 리뉴얼 오픈 및 중국, 일본, 영국 편집매장 입점판매.
현재 서울패션위크 컬렉션 디자이너 및 수원대학교 패션디자인학과 겸임교수 활동.